
VMware Secrets Manager Helm Chart Release

This file provides instructions on how to release a new version of the VMware Secrets Manager Helm Chart.


Before proceeding with the release process, please ensure that the following prerequisites are met:

If everything looks good, you can proceed with the release process.

Release Process

  1. Package the Helm Charts: Run the following command to package the Helm Charts:

    git checkout main
    helm package helm-charts/ --version=<version>

    This command will produce an VSecM Helm Chart package. For example: vsecm-0.1.0.tgz

  2. Checkout the gh-pages branch:

    git checkout gh-pages
  3. Generate the Helm Repo Index: Run the following command to generate the Helm repository index file and merge it with the existing index.yaml file:

    helm repo index ./ --merge index.yaml
  4. Checkout a topic branch:

    git checkout -b <topic_branch_name>
  5. Add the Helm Chart package and index.yaml file changes and push to create a PR:

    git add vsecm-0.1.0.tgz index.yaml
    git commit -s -m "<commit-message>"
    git push origin <topic_branch_name>
  6. Create a pull request and merge the above changes to the gh-pages branch.