The current documentation is written using Markdown syntax and translated into static web pages with mkdocs, which are then published to GitHub Pages and directly linked to the source code repository.

Via a single mkdocs.yml file, it is possible to fine-tune mkdocs, its extensions, and the theme of choice (Material), thus creating very nice-looking and tidy pages. The structure of the resulting website is defined in that file, too.

Depending on the specific git event, different workflows may be triggered when docs files get added or updated inside the docs folder or the mkdocs.yml file is changed.

Pull requests to the main branch trigger the build-docs.yml workflow that does the build to validate the syntax. In the following diagram, we create a pull request at commit D, and the following commits on the same branch (E and F) cause pull request synchronize events. All commits D, E, and F trigger the build-docs.yml workflow.

When we accept the pull request, the code gets merged to the main branch (commit G), and the publish-docs.yml workflow builds and deploys the static website to GitHub Pages.

%%{init: { 'logLevel': 'debug', 'theme': 'base', 'gitGraph': { 'showBranches': true,'showCommitLabel': true, 'rotateCommitLabel': false } } }%%
   commit id: "A"
   commit id: "B"
   branch docs
   checkout docs
   commit id: "C"
   commit id: "D" type: HIGHLIGHT
   commit id: "E" type: HIGHLIGHT
   commit id: "F" type: HIGHLIGHT
   checkout main
   merge docs id: "G"
   commit id: "H"

Last update: 2023-02-03 16:18:35