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Install Crossplane

Install Crossplane via Upbound CLI

Download the up cli

curl -sL "" | sh
sudo mv up /usr/local/bin/

Check the installed version:

up --version

Switch to the proper Kubernetes context and run the following command in order to install Upbound Universal Crossplane (UXP):

up uxp install

Verify all UXP pods are Running with kubectl get pods -n upbound-system. This may take up to five minutes depending on your Kubernetes cluster.

$ k get pods -n upbound-system
NAME                                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS      AGE
crossplane-65444df64-7wcb2                 1/1     Running   0             92s
crossplane-rbac-manager-69498f955b-2npkl   1/1     Running   0             92s
upbound-bootstrapper-5c9864b546-lngkw      1/1     Running   0             92s
xgql-6485cf5748-src2w                      1/1     Running   3 (70s ago)   92s


RESTARTS for the xgql pod are normal during initial installation.

Last update: 2022-11-05 01:08:19