This is a list of prerequisites that must be satisfied in order to deploy a TAP Reference Package on AWS EKS and consume it through TAP:

  1. Install ytt, a templating tool for YAML that is being widely used in these guides.

  2. Install the AWS CLI. For how to do so, see the AWS documentation.

  3. Log into AWS with your own credentials and assume a role with proper permissions to deal with EKS and Elasticache services. Check your AWS account number, user and assumed role running:

    aws sts get-caller-identity
  4. Make sure you have an available EKS cluster and the related OIDC provider configured. In order to create a new one you can follow this guide.

  5. Install Tanzu Application Platform v1.2.0 or later and Cluster Essentials v1.2.0 or later on the Kubernetes cluster. For more information, see Installing Tanzu Application Platform.

  6. Verify that you have the appropriate versions by running:

    kubectl api-resources | grep secrettemplate

    This command returns the SecretTemplate API. If it does not work for you, you might not have Cluster Essentials for VMware Tanzu v1.2.0 or later installed.

  7. Only if you want to deploy reference packages based on ACK: install the AWS Controller for Kubernetes (ACK) for the service(s) you are going to consume on AWS.

  8. Only if you want to deploy reference packages based on Crossplane: install Crossplane and the AWS provider.

Last update: 2022-11-05 01:08:19