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Creating the Postgresql Multicloud Crossplane package

Why Multicloud

There are various reasons why companies are running applications in multiple clouds. We count data centers as local or private clouds.

It is increasingly common for companies to run Kubernetes clusters in multiple locations - some clusters in the data center and others in AWS, for example.

When (service) consumers do not care about the specific performance parameters of a database, you can simplify onboarding and relocation pain by providing a generic API.

This package is an example of such a generic API. It holds as long as the consumers want a database and there is no need (yet) to fine-tune it.

Good examples are PoCs, preview environments, or applications where the performance bottleneck lies elsewhere.

Why This Package

There are several contributing factors as to why this package exists.

  • Multicloud Messaging: VMware is going big on multicloud. We wanted a package that shows how to leverage the Tanzu Application Platform (TAP) and other technologies (such as Crossplane) across multiple cloud environments.
  • Power of YTT: We are proud of our Carvel tool suite. We want to show how maintaining complex Crossplane Compositions is more manageable using YTT.
  • Compare Crossplane to Cloud Controllers: Each major public cloud provider has their Kubernetes Controller for managing resources in their respective cloud. We wanted to compare the producer side of things between those packages we did before.

We stuck to the classic example of a PostgreSQL database. Something you can run anywhere in a myriad of ways. So the attention can be on using Crossplane and managing it with YTT.

Crossplane XRD & Compositions

At the time of writing, the (Crossplane) package has four implementations, or Compositions.

  • Helm
  • FlexibleServer for Azure
  • RDS Private for AWS, only privately (within VPC) available
  • RDS Public for AWS, public available

While there is significant overlap between these packages, there are also a lot of differences.

This means the case of "I want to run a PostgreSQL database; I don't care where or how" is easily supported. The package ensures sane defaults for every runtime environment for trivial (or hello world) installations.

Unfortunately, for anything more complex, the configuration of the public clouds shatters the illusion of a single API (the Crossplane XRD). You cannot use this package for managing databases for non-trivial applications running in production.

Still, it serves its purpose of showing the Multicloud potential, the power of YTT, and how Crossplane compares to the cloud-specific controllers.

Solving For Random Password

An interesting problem encountered early was the need for a secure admin password.

There are various ways of generating a password in Kubernetes, for instance, our own SecretGen Controller.

The challenge is that we need the following:

  • deterministic name of the secret the password is stored in
  • password is stored in the ConnectionDetails secret

Most alternatives, such as the SecretGen Controller, do not expose the password so we can get it into the ConnectionDetails.

Our current solution is the use of Terraform. There is an official Terraform Provider, and Terraform can generate a random password.

The Terraform Provider also supports outputs, which the Crossplane uses as values for the ConnectionSecret. We can then promote this value to the ConnectionDetails.

Below is the snippet showing the example. The Patches part is cut; we'll dive into that next.

Terraform Password snippet
  kind: Workspace
      module: |
        resource "random_password" "password" {
          length  = 64
          special = false

        output "password" {
          value     = random_password.password.result
          sensitive = true
      source: Inline
      namespace: #@ crossplaneNamespace
- fromConnectionSecretKey: password

Creating a complete ConnectionDetails secret

We use Crossplane to create and manage data stores in public cloud infrastructure. To consume these data stores with Tanzu Application Platform (TAP), we use the ServiceBinding and a mapping solution with the ServicesToolkit (STK).

The ServiceBinding spec gives us a clear goal of what we need to generate. We need a secret with specific keys depending on the data store type, e.g., Postgres.

Postgres required keys

The Service Binding specification defines how a service such as PostgreSQL can be bound to an application.

For a list of keys that is required, one can also look at the Spring Cloud Bindings (Java) library.

You can view the list for PostgreSQL here.

For STK, we also need some labels on this (Kubernetes) secret so it can create a ClusterInstanceClass.

When using Compositions, Crossplane generates at least two secrets. The data for those secrets depends on the spec.connectionSecretKeys entries in the CompositeResourceDefinition (XRD). I will name the secrets to explain this. Both of these secrets represent the ConnectionDetails conceptual secret.

  1. Composition Secret: It creates a "placeholder" secret for collecting the expected entries from the various Composition Resources
  2. Claim Secret: When the Composition has collected all entries, it creates a secret in the namespace of the (Crossplane) Claim (e.g., PostgreSQLInstance CR)

Instruct Crossplane to create Composition Secret

We specify the spec.writeConnectionSecretsToNamespace to instruct Crossplane to create the CompositionSecret and in which namespace.

kind: Composition
  writeConnectionSecretsToNamespace: #@ data.values.crossplane.namespace

Some resources defined in the Composition have their own ConnectionSecret, from where it copies the values to the ConnectionDetails secret. An example to illustrate this:

Terraform Password - Connection Secret

The Terraform provider exposes the output in the Module as something Crossplane can write to a ConnectionSecret. We tell Crossplane to create this secret by setting writeConnectionSecretToRef.namespace and

We then instruct Crossplane to copy the key password from the ConnectionSecret to the ConnectionDetails. Again, the ConnectionDetails repre

name: password
  kind: Workspace
      module: |
        resource "random_password" "password" {
          length  = 64
          special = false

        output "password" {
          value     = random_password.password.result
          sensitive = true
      source: Inline
      namespace: #@ crossplaneNamespace 
      # we set the name in a patch, excluded from the example for brevity
     - fromConnectionSecretKey: password

Assuming that this Composition succeeds, we end up with three secrets:

  1. Composition Secret
  2. Composition Resource Secret (Terraform Password)
  3. Claim Secret

Depending on the number of Composition Resources that have secrets, we can end up with a whole bunch of them.

We decided to use Crossplane's Patch system to reduce the number of secrets. We are reducing the proliferation of possibly sensitive data.

To re-iterate our main goal: we need a (Kubernetes) Secret with all the data keys for the ServiceBinding specification and labels for the STK mapping. Any other secret is a potential problem, so the fewer, the better.

The most straightforward secret to manipulate is the Composition Secret. This secret is a placeholder, so it doesn't impact anything.

Terraform Password - Modifying Composition Secret

We use Crossplane's patches mechanism to "merge" the Composition Secret into the Claim Secret.

This is done by taking the Claim's name and namespace and overriding the spec.writeConnectionSecretToRef fields of the Composition. You access these fields via - type: ToCompositeFieldPath.

- type: ToCompositeFieldPath
  fromFieldPath: metadata.labels[]
- type: ToCompositeFieldPath
  fromFieldPath: metadata.labels[]
  toFieldPath: spec.writeConnectionSecretToRef.namespace

The Composition does not own all Secrets. It can only merge secrets it owns. If you try to merge a secret it doesn't own; you will get an error (in the resource's events) saying it cannot update the secret because it doesn't own it.

An example of this is the Connection Secret of the Terraform Password resource. To help understand what this secret is, we patch it.

Terraform Password - Rename Connection Secret

Here we patch the name of the Connection Secret to use the UID of the Composition.

In addition, we use the transforms option to add further information to the name. This helps us understand what this Secret is and to what resource it belongs.

- type: FromCompositeFieldPath
  fromFieldPath: metadata.uid
    - type: string
        type: Format
        fmt: '%s-postgresql-admin'

Solve For STK Metadata

The Claim Secret we end up with has all the data we write to the Connection Details. It has the name of the Claim and exists in the Claim namespace.

This is enough for any application to use and leverage with a service binding library (e.g., Spring applications). Unfortunately, this (Kubernetes) secret is relatively sterile, containing no Annotations or Labels.

The Services Toolkit (STK) needs specific fields or labels on the object to map it to a ClusterInstanceClass. We need ClusterInstanceClasses, to create STK Claims which TAP can consume.

There are several ways we can tackle this.

  • Use a SecretGen Controller's SecretTemplate to create a copy with the desired labels
  • Specify the labels in the Crossplane Claim (see below)
  • Create a Crossplane Managed Resource that merges with the Claim Secret, adding the desired labels

The first solution is out, as we want fewer secrets, not more.

The second solution is not nice for our users, as it requires additional work and understanding. We prefer to use our packages to reduce our users' burden (and cognitive load), not increase it.

Add labels via Crossplane Claim

Here's an example of adding additional metadata to the Claim Secret.

  name: trp-cosmosdb-mongo-bindable-08
    name: default
    labels: azure-mongodb

Consequently, there is only one option we like. We create another Crossplane Composition Resource.

Secret with labels resource

As you can see, we use the Crossplane Kubernetes Provider to create a Kubernetes Secret resource.

This secret is an empty shell, as we set spec: {}. We do add our labels and patch the name and namespace.

We set the name and namespace to the values of the Claim. Which guarantees it has the same values as the Claim Secret.

Crossplane merges this empty secret with the Claim Secret. And thus, our Claim Secret ends up having our desired labels.

name: connectionSecret
  kind: Object
        apiVersion: v1
        kind: Secret
        spec: {}
- type: FromCompositeFieldPath
  fromFieldPath: metadata.labels[]
- type: FromCompositeFieldPath
  fromFieldPath: metadata.labels[]
  toFieldPath: spec.forProvider.manifest.metadata.namespace

More than a single label is required to achieve what we want with the STK. Ideally, we have several dynamic labels to differentiate between different implementations.

For example, we would like an infrastructure label to create ClusterInstanceClasses for Azure and AWS. This leads us to the next topic we want to explain: how do we manage multiple Compositions with significant overlap?

Manage Compositions with YTT

The four Compositions share several resources. Some are the same (e.g., the Terraform Password), while others have minor variations.

Let's explain how we tackled the shared values with YTT templating.


For more information on YTT, read the docs or look at the Playground.

In contrast to tools such as Helm and Kustomize, YTT works with the YAML structure. This means we can create a schema and validate the data we are working with (more on that in the next paragraph).

We'll stick to the base templating in this package (and later the Library feature).

For the most part, we stick to templating from direct data values. These data values come from input into the templating process.

You can supply these in several ways:

  • data values file
  • raw YAML file
  • a schema file's default values (see next paragraph)
  • input flags when executing the YTT CLI's template command

We supply all our values with a schema file. When we run the YTT templating, we use the values from the Schema file and apply the same value to all the templates.

The templates we have are the XRD and the Compositions, each in their respective file.

Below are two snippets as examples.

XRD template snippet

The CompositeResourceDefinition or XRD. It defines our custom resources and the API for all our compositions.

#@ load("@ytt:data", "data")
kind: CompositeResourceDefinition
  name: #@ data.values.xrd.names.plural + "." +
  group: #@
  names: #@ data.values.xrd.names
  claimNames: #@ data.values.xrd.claimNames

Composition (Helm) template snippet

The example below is the top section of the Helm Composition.

It implements the API defined by the XRD. Via the reuse of the same data values, we guarantee it is always correct. And due to the reuse, we specify these fundamental values only once.

#@ load("@ytt:data", "data")
kind: Composition
  name: #@ + "-" + data.values.cloudServiceBindingType
  labels: #@ data.values.xrd.names.plural + "." +
    provider: #@
    database: #@ data.values.cloudServiceBindingType
  writeConnectionSecretsToNamespace: #@ data.values.crossplane.namespace
    apiVersion: #@ + "/" + data.values.xrd.version
    kind: #@ data.values.xrd.names.kind

Now that you've seen how we reuse the data values, it is good to see where we define the structure and default values.

We do so in a Values Schema.


In this Values Schema, we define the structure of the data values used by the YTT templating.

We need to specify the keys; the values are optional. There are two reasons to specify the values:

  1. to clarify the data type, although for Strings, "" will do
  2. to set a default value


We limited the values for brevity, though this is enough to show what you can do with it.

First, we have to let YTT know this is a values schema. We do so with #@data/values-schema.

Then we provide YAML keys in our desired structure.

In our case, we only have String values, and because these are only used to generate the Crossplane source files, we only need a little documentation. For all the things you can do with the schema, read the docs.

    kind: XPostgreSQLInstance
    plural: xpostgresqlinstances
    kind: PostgreSQLInstance
    plural: postgresqlinstances
  version: v1alpha1

    name: helm
    version: ">=v0.12.0"

  #@schema/title "CrossplaneNamespace"
  #@schema/desc "The namespace where crossplane controller is installed"
  namespace: upbound-system
  version: '^v1.10'

#@schema/title "StoreConfig"
#@schema/desc "Details of the StoreConfig"
  #@schema/title "StoreConfig Name"
  #@schema/desc "The name of the StoreConfig"
  name: "default"

Solving For Re-usable Snippets

In the templating section, you can see how we reuse values from the schema to avoid duplication and misconfiguration.

Even so, the number of shared data structures between the Compositions is significant. The solution for the ConnetionDetails, for example, is something each Composition requires.

So there is a need for even more reuse. Not just the data values, but entire data structures, for example, the Composition Resources.

For that purpose, we use the YTT features Load and Functions. It lets you create functions in separate files you import into other YTT files.

YTT Library

We could also have opted to use a YTT Library.

Which does practically the same thing but requires more steps to use. So we opted for the solution below.

To use this, we do the following:

  1. Create a file named <name>.lib.yml
  2. Add Functions in this file that generate the Crossplane Composition Resource snippets
  3. Load the file and the desired functions in the YTT data file (a) file starting with #@ load("@ytt:data", "data"))
  4. Use the functions as if they are defined in this YTT data file

Let's look at some examples to clarify what we did. First, it's a function in a library module.


For clarity, we removed some lines and highlighted the noteworthy lines.

We start a function with #@ def <name>(<input parameters>).

We end a function with #@ end.

We can use any defined input parameters directly by name. We determine the value by the order in which the caller supplies them.

In this case, we have one parameter, infra. This lets us create a dynamic label on the secret based on the type of infrastructure the Composition implements (e.g., azure, aws, kubernetes).

#@ def labelsForSecret(infra):
name: connectionSecret
  kind: Object
        apiVersion: v1
        kind: Secret
        spec: {}
   #@ infra
#@ end

We use the library as follows:

  1. We import it using the #@ load() feature. Using the relative path of the file and the functions we want to use.
    #@ load("shared.lib.yml", "labelsForSecret")
  2. Then, we call the function where we want its output to be.
    - #@ labelsForSecret("aws")


By default, a function returns the data structure that it defines.

If you want to return a single value, you can do so via the return statement like this:

#@ def TLSSecretName(domain):
#@ return str(domain).replace(".", "-") + "-tls"
#@ end

The functions can use everything YTT has to offer.

This makes it an excellent place to handle specific logic for Crossplane Compositions. For example, in the case of the AWS RDS instance, we have private and public variants.

This means that while most values for the RDS instance definition are the same, some change if it needs to be public.

AWS Composition Public/Private Switch

When we make the RDS instance publicly available, we need to set spec.forProvider.publiclyAccessible to true.

We also need to tell Crossplan which SubnetGroup it has to use. When we make the RDS instance public, we create the SubnetGroup ourselves and let Crossplane manage the reference:

#@ if/end publiclyAccessible: 
  matchControllerRef: true
ps. #@ if/end means it does an if/else/end expression for a single line only

If private, we expect you to supply the name of an existing one. We can use the not keyword to reverse the if/end, so we end up with two variations of the same snippet.

#@ if/end not publiclyAccessible: 
- type: FromCompositeFieldPath
  toFieldPath: spec.forProvider.dbSubnetGroupName
#@ def rdsInstance(crossplaneNamespace, providerConfigRef, publiclyAccessible):
name: rdsinstance
  kind: Instance
      engine: postgres
      instanceClass: db.t3.micro
        key: password
        namespace: #@ crossplaneNamespace
      publiclyAccessible: #@ publiclyAccessible
      skipFinalSnapshot: true
      storageEncrypted: false
      allocatedStorage: 10
        matchControllerRef: true
      #@ if/end publiclyAccessible: 
        matchControllerRef: true
      name: #@ providerConfigRef
#@ if/end not publiclyAccessible: 
- type: FromCompositeFieldPath
  toFieldPath: spec.forProvider.dbSubnetGroupName
#@ end

Let's look at the two AWS examples (private and public) to see how this works out for the Composition files.

AWS Private Example

#@ load("@ytt:data", "data")
#@ load("aws-composition.lib.yml", "rdsInstance", "securityGroup", "securityGroupRule")
#@ load("shared.lib.yml", "labelsForSecret", "tfProviderConfig", "tfWorkspace")

kind: Composition
  name: #@ + "-" + data.values.cloudServiceBindingType + "-private"
  labels: #@ data.values.xrd.names.plural + "." +
    provider: #@
    database: #@ data.values.cloudServiceBindingType
    connectivity: "private"
  writeConnectionSecretsToNamespace: #@ data.values.crossplane.namespace
    apiVersion: #@ + "/" + data.values.xrd.version
    kind: #@ data.values.xrd.names.kind
  - #@ labelsForSecret("aws")
  - #@ tfProviderConfig(data.values.crossplane.namespace)
  - #@ tfWorkspace(data.values.crossplane.namespace)
  - #@ rdsInstance(data.values.crossplane.namespace,, False)
  - #@ securityGroup()
  - #@ securityGroupRule()

AWS Public Example

Convenience Variables

YTT supports the use of convenience variables.

Below you can see we make ample use of them to make the subnet parameters clearer to understand and separate.

#@ load("@ytt:data", "data")
#@ load("aws-composition.lib.yml",  "rdsInstance", "securityGroup", "securityGroupRule", "subnet", "routeTableAssociation", "routeTable", "route", "subnetGroup")
#@ load("shared.lib.yml", "labelsForSecret", "tfProviderConfig", "tfWorkspace")

#@ subnetASuffix = '-a'
#@ subnetAFormat = 'subnet-a-%s'
#@ availabilityZoneAFormat = '%sa'
#@ cidrBlockFieldA = ''

#@ subnetBSuffix = '-b'
#@ subnetBFormat = 'subnet-b-%s'
#@ availabilityZoneBFormat = '%sb'
#@ cidrBlockFieldB = ''

kind: Composition
  name: #@ + "-" + data.values.cloudServiceBindingType + "-public"
  labels: #@ data.values.xrd.names.plural + "." +
    provider: #@ 
    database: #@ data.values.cloudServiceBindingType
    connectivity: "public"
  writeConnectionSecretsToNamespace: #@ data.values.crossplane.namespace
    apiVersion: #@ + "/" + data.values.xrd.version
    kind: #@ data.values.xrd.names.kind
  - #@ labelsForSecret("aws")
  - #@ tfProviderConfig(data.values.crossplane.namespace)
  - #@ tfWorkspace(data.values.crossplane.namespace)
  - #@ rdsInstance(data.values.crossplane.namespace,, True)
  - #@ securityGroup()
  - #@ securityGroupRule()
  - #@ routeTable()
  - #@ subnetGroup()
  - #@ subnet(subnetASuffix, subnetAFormat, availabilityZoneAFormat, cidrBlockFieldA)
  - #@ routeTableAssociation(subnetASuffix, subnetAFormat)
  - #@ subnet(subnetBSuffix, subnetBFormat, availabilityZoneBFormat, cidrBlockFieldB)
  - #@ routeTableAssociation(subnetBSuffix, subnetBFormat)
  - #@ route('route-%s')

Last update: 2023-01-10 16:45:04