Frequently Asked Questions

Why must the tool run on the Operations Manager VM?

Under the hood, we rely on the bosh and credhub CLIs. These programs are already guaranteed to be present on the Operations Manager VM and are known to be compatible with the currently deployed version of the platform, so we require the tooling to run in this environment to prevent errors due to incompatible versions or missing tools.

How long does the rotation take?

The rotation consists of 2 deployments, each of which must update the following instance groups:

  • Diego Cells
  • Routers
  • Diego Brain
  • Credhub

The number of cells and routers vary widely across installations, but you can expect that an environment with a large number of cells and routers will take much longer to rotate than a smaller environment.

Should I expect downtime during the rotation?

The process is designed to maintain platform functionality.

The diego cells and routers do need to be updated during the rotation, so you should ensure that any applications that cannot tolerate downtime are deployed with more than one instance, and that your load balancer health checks are correctly configured to detect unhealthy routers.

Does this tool support the Small Footprint Runtime?


Does this tool support isolation segments or TAS for Windows?

Yes. The tool will automatically detect whether isolation segments or Windows cells are installed, and will perform the appropriate actions to rotate the certificates on these environments as well.

Any tips for dealing with the verbosity of the logs?

Yes. Output coming directly from the tool (and not from BOSH) is prefixed with “RIIC” for easy grepping:

$ grep RIIC nohup.out

Why does riic say there are pending changes?

It’s important that any pending changes staged in Operations Manager are applied or reverted before attempting to rotate certificates with riic. Doing otherwise may lead to downtime. You can check for pending changes in the Operations Manager UI, however some changes like stemcell updates won’t show up here.

To find all pending changes open the URL https://<your-opsman.fqdn>/api/v0/staged/pending_changes from your logged in browser. In the json response look for any products that do not have an action of unchanged. That should give a clue as to what changes are actually pending and keeping riic from running. For example a stemcell update would show up with an action of update.

Can I restart a cert rotation at a specific step?

Yes. See Handling Failures.